Real-Time AI

Build AI-powered applications that make every decision instant, accurate, powerful. Bring machine learning to real-time data to enhance every application with the speed and scale you need.

Trusted by leaders in every industry

The Home Depot

Real-Time AI

Deliver the right data at the right time, on infrastructure built for speed and scale.

Deliver real-time, AI-powered apps from any cloud

  • Deploy your real-time database on demand
  • Access streaming data
  • Bring ML to your data
  • Connect to any development tool, API and language
  • Run on any cloud, completely serverless, with zero ops
Deliver real-time, AI-powered apps from any cloud

Leaders shaping their industries with DataStax

“I don't think we would be in a place where we are today if a technology like Astra DB was not there for us to capitalize and build on top of. Things like just operationalizing Cassandra, and getting stuff done alone would be at least a year-long project, and that is not even part of our core strength.”

Samar Abbas
Co-founder and CTO, Temporal Technologies

"As a bank we acquire portfolios of big companies like Walmart and bring them into our ecosystem. Typically, these portfolio migrations took multiple weeks or even months. With Cassandra, we can do this over a weekend without any downtime. It’s reached a point where adding 15 million new customers is now a standard day-to-day operation."

David Harmony
Senior Director, Capital One

“At Barracuda, we strive to make the world a safer place with our cloud-enabled, enterprise-grade security solutions that protect email, networks, data, and applications. We’re excited about Astra DB multi-region because of its support for simple and cost-effective business continuity and disaster recovery means our customers receive the service they have come to expect.”

Fleming Shi
Chief Technology Officer, Barracuda Networks

“By going serverless with DataStax Astra DB, we’ve reduced the operational costs for our Cassandra database platform by an order of ten. It’s a brilliant choice because it scales on demand when we need to onboard 300 ships to our systems in a single day. With Astra DB, we get high read and write throughput for 5,000 data points collected from each ship every 30 seconds, allowing us to rapidly deliver analytics and alerts for predictive maintenance, fuel savings, enhanced asset utilization and more.”

Praveen Viswanath
Co-Founder and Enterprise Architect, Alpha Ori Technologies

“We wanted to create a new, safe environment for members of the LGBTQ+ community to meet each other around their common interests. As part of this, we wanted to implement a scalable approach to data that would meet that new application’s needs over time. We also decided to migrate our existing Cassandra clusters. DataStax Astra DB provides the ideal environment to support our messaging and feed data over time, and to support our new growth.”

Matthew Hirst
Head of Server-side Engineering, Hornet

Trusted by the people that build apps, and those that use them

Real-Time Data

Start on any cloud, on-demand, for free. Build, test and experiment with your application now.

  • Choose from a wide range of APIs and models
  • Work with your favorite tools and languages
  • Join a global community that innovates our open stack


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Real-time data, deployed and managed in your data center

Start building in real-time

Deliver real-time apps on the world’s most scalable database.

Cloud Partners

DataStax, is a registered trademark of DataStax, Inc.. Apache, Apache Cassandra, Cassandra, Apache Pulsar, and Pulsar are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.

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